The Escaramujo workshop at Chiapas, Mexico, was held between the 24th and the 28th of August 2015. It took place in a laboratory of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Autonomous University of Chiapas (UNACH), organized by the
Mesoamerican Centre for Theoretical Physics. Karen Caballero, a young professor of UNACH, was the local organizer and who is now in charge of the donated device. The following students participated of the workshop:
Itzel Martínez
Rodolfo Perez
Pedro Alfonso Valencia
Hernán Castellanos
Laila Vleeschower
Miguel Ángel Espinosa Ruiz
Miguel Ángel Espinosa Ruiz
The professors from UNACH that participated:
Karen Caballero
Lizardo Valencia Palomo
Lizardo Valencia Palomo
Roberto Arceo
We also counted with the presence of Eduardo Moreno, a professor from the Distinguished Autonomous University of Puebla, who shared the workshop with the idea of replicating the device at his institution to extend the net of detectors.
The donated device to UNACH will strengthen the academic resources of the teaching lab of Bachelor and Master in Physics. On the other hand, Karen along with her students and collaborators will continue doing research activities with the device.
The donated device to UNACH will strengthen the academic resources of the teaching lab of Bachelor and Master in Physics. On the other hand, Karen along with her students and collaborators will continue doing research activities with the device.

Hands-on. Very focused students, adjusting the bias voltage of the silicon photomultipliers.
In the computer classroom, doing data analysis with C++/ROOT.
Wrapping scintillators and coupling them with the photosensors.
The joy of the job completed
With the professors (we could not make Hugo and Roberto to smile).

Federico and Arnulfo Zepeda, director of the Mesoamerican Centre for Theoretical Physics.