Photo of a group of participants of the Escaramujo - Pasto, with Professor Jaime Betancourt (right).
The Escaramujo workshop in Pasto, Colombia, was held in the Autónoma
Universidad de Nariño (AUNAR), and in the Universidad de Nariño (UdeNar),
between the 30-Nov-15 and 3-Dec-15. It was organized by the professors Jaime Betancourt and Oscar Rodríguez, and we counted with the support of the professors Rafael Llerena and Jaime Ortiz (AUNAR), who also got involved in the assembly and data taking of the detector with their inherent scientific curiosity that we all have inside. We also had the honor of receiving Alberto Quijano, founder and director of the Observatorio Astronómico of UdeNar.
The participating students were:
John Estrada
Ivan Dario Rivera
The city of Pasto lies at the foot of the impressive Galeras Volcano. The group of participants decided to fabricate a cosmic ray telescope and go to the field to measure the muon attenuation due to the volcano. The field day was successful, where we could measure the cosmic rays flux in situ, and analyze the feasibility of moving towards volcano tomography with muons.

Hands-on. Students and professors working of the device, assembling it.
The students with experience in electronics, soldering wires and connectors. .
Professors Jaime Betancourt and Oscar Rodriguez (with scarf because of a cold, not as strong as the Escaramujo enthusiams)
coupling silicon photomultipliers with scintillators.
Muon telescope, fabricated ad hoc for the workshop.

Whiteboard sessions.
Field day! Students downloading the equipment in a site at the foot of the Galeras volcano.
Motivated students assembling the detector. The Galeras crater profile in the back plane.
Starting up the setup. The neighbor of the white house, at the left of the students, kindly allowed us to connect to the electric grid and to use the restroom. For the love of science.
Telescope pointing the Galeras volcano.

With Alberto Quijano, after a visit to the Observatorio Astronómico of UdeNar.