Gourp picture of the Escaramujo workshop at Lima, at the Space agency of Perú.
The Escaramujo workshop in Lima, Perú, was held at the Comisión
Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Aeroespacial (CONIDA), the Peruvian Space agency. Organized by Luis Otiniano, member of the Astrophysics group, it developed between the 4th and the 7th of Jan-2016. The participants were members of CONIDA, local universities and the technology business sector. They were:
Juan Vega
Miguel Risco
Fernanda Flórez
Canales Idone
Vanessa Navarrete
Keiko Saito
Christian Alvarado
José Tacza
Fredi Huaynasi
Verónica Tacuri
Julio Molina
Juan Vega
Miguel Risco
Fernanda Flórez
Canales Idone
Vanessa Navarrete
Keiko Saito
Christian Alvarado
José Tacza
Fredi Huaynasi
Verónica Tacuri
Julio Molina
The donated detector adds up to Astrophysics group equipment, to be integrated with a detector of the LAGO network, oriented towards Space Weather research.

Students and researchers assembling the detector.

Characterizing the electronics.
With Keiko Saito, who gifted us some nice Peruvian handcrafts (Thank you!).