Group picture of the UCR workshop. From left: Gustavo Madrigal Roldan, Rodrigo
Carboni (UCR Physics School director) Esteban Corrales (Instituto
Tecnológico de Costa Rica), Federico Izraelevitch, Pilar Carvajal, Álvaro Chavarría ("v" t-shirt) Arturo Ramírez, y Pablo Mosteiro (goatee), surrounded by enthusiastic students.
The Escaramujo workshop at San José, Costa Rica, was held from the 13-Oct to the 16-Oct 2015, at the School of Physics of the University of Costa Rica (UCR). It was organized by Álvaro Chavarría, Costa Rican Physicist of the University of Chicago, and by the UCR professor Arturo Ramírez, who was the general coordinator of the activities. The course was only possible with the help and support of Gustavo Garbanzo in computing, Pilar Carvajal and Gustavo Madrigal Roldan in lab equipment and the director of the School, Rodrigo Carboni.
The following students participated in the workshop:
Fabián Chaverri Miranda
Andrés Hernández
Gustavo Madrigal
Leonardo Ortiz Acuña
Sasha Pessoa
César Rojas Bravo
Tiffany Suárez
Kendall Ugalde Castro
Álvaro Arias
As invited instructors, we had the distinguished visit Pablo Mosteiro, Argentinian Physicist working at the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare at Sapienza Università di Roma, and Esteban Corrales (Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica).
Thanks to the support and management of Álvaro Chavarría and Rodrigo Carboni, the course counted with three more detectors assembled by the students, besides the Escaramujo one donated to the institution.

Working with plastic scintillators and silicon photomultipliers.
Discussing results.
The joy of the work completed.
One of the detectors assembled by the students, and a group of them.
Álvaro Chavarría (left) and Federico Izraelevitch. On a knee: Pablo Mosteiro.