Group picture (with a Beatle touch) with students and professors that participated in the workshop in the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador, taken in one of the campus gardens.
The Escaramujo workshop in Quito developed in the Universidad San
Francisco de Quito (USFQ) and in the la Escuela Politécnica Nacional (EPN), between the 7th and 11th of Dec-2015. Many of the sessions were streamed out to other Ecuadotian institutions. The meeting was organized by Dennis
Cazar and Edgar Carrera (USFQ) and by Nicolás Vázquez (EPN).
The USFQ students that participated of Escaramujo were:
Andrés Cathey
Carlos Rodríguez
Santiago Paredes
Raquel Quishpe
Wilson Nieto
Jorge Poved
Despite the workshop was held on a week full of exams, the students attitude and willingness was unbeatable.
Despite the workshop was held on a week full of exams, the students attitude and willingness was unbeatable.
The visited institutions actively participate in cosmic rays Physics research, as part of the LAGO collaboration, among other experiments. The Escaramujo device adds to these activities.
We acknoledge the Fundación CEDIA ( for the support to the workshop with the grant "Creación de la Red de Investigación en Astropartículas, Rayos Cósmicos y Clima Espacial"
We acknoledge the Fundación CEDIA ( for the support to the workshop with the grant "Creación de la Red de Investigación en Astropartículas, Rayos Cósmicos y Clima Espacial"

Juan Pablo Semanate and Nicolás Vázquez (right), Escuela
Politécnica Nacional professor, anxiously waiting the lunch order.

In the Escuela Politécnica Nacional, with Physics students. The blue mat is covering a water Cherenkov detector of the EPN group.
In USFQ, unpacking the material to get started.
In USFQ. Students wrapping plastic scintillators.
Couplingi a silicon photomultiplier to a scintillator.
Looking for tiny light leaks on a detector.
Group picture (more serious) of the USFQ group at the laboratory. With Dennis
Cazar (third from the right, with an elegant scarf) and Edgar Carrera
(second from the right), USFQ professors, host of the sessions (I think I would rather prefer the other group picture).